
Mass media
  • Own extensive media database: up-to-date and regularly updated
  • Well-established communications with editors, stylists, advertising departments
  • Federal and regional printed and online publications (glossy, lifestyle, scientific, business, specialized, on-board)

PR brand
  • New Brand launches
  • New Products launches
  • Publications in the all types of media
  • Communication with editors and stylists on a daily basis
  • Events for press
  • Special projects and collaborations
  • Fashion shootings
  • Organization and management of the press-showroom
Corporate PR
  • Interviews in business media
  • Press conferences organization
  • Media training for speakers
  • Creation of an information guide matrix and development of key messages
  • Organization of participation in industry events
Influencer marketing
"Over the years, we have built trustful and often friendly relations with influencers: theater and cinema actors, show business representatives, sportsmen, as well as leading opinion leaders, and we will help your brand to find new famous friends."
"We prepare and conduct the brightest and most sincere events for all target audiences (press, customers, partners) on a turnkey basis - from idea development to full implementation and reporting. We are ready to offer you the most extraordinary scenarios and unique sites."
  • Celebrities invitation to brand events
  • Selection of influencers and brand ambassadors due to brand’s DNA
  • Celebrity dressing
  • Organization of Celebrities shooting for social networks
  • Events for the press: presentations (of brand, collection,
product), press days, press tours, etc.
  • Events for clients: presentations, client days, exhibitions,
fashion shows.
  • Celebrities and opinion leaders presence in the social media
  • Strategic planning
  • Promo-budget planning
  • Creation of unique content (copywriting and photo
shootings: flat-lays, beauty shots, street style,
illustrations, stills, lookbook)
  • Collaborations with influencers (integrated
posts, special projects, shooting organization)
  • Promotion and targeting
  • Community management and moderation
  • Contest and giveaway organization
  • Analytics
Media planning
  • Development of effective media plans
  • Selection of priority media
  • Negotiations on the terms of advertising placement with publishing houses
  • Development and implementation of special projects
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